Thursday, 14 January 2016

Vertical Fixed Navigation #2

A smart vertical navigation, with round indicators that turn into labelled icons when the user interacts with them.

Our first concept of vertical fixed navigation is one of our most popular resources. This time, we tried to push this concept a little further.
The basic idea behind putting round indicators on the side of a web page, is to give a hint to the user about the number of sections she/he can go through. We think of each dot as a content chapter, with its own title. Usually, users have to hover over a dot to access the title.
In an attempt to simplify this pattern, we decided to transform the dots when the user interacts with them, by scaling them up and showing an icon + label. Users don’t need to select a specific dot/item, but just move to the side, thus showing their willingness to access the navigation.

Cinema Seat Preview Experiment

Maybe you are familiar with those ticket booking systems where, at some point during the purchase flow, you have to choose a seat. This is usually done when selling tickets for games, movies, flights or concerts. Wouldn’t it be cool to have some kind of “realistic” preview of the seat, i.e. see the stage or screen from the perspective of the space you chose? Of course it would :) This is the kind of question that resulted into a new experiment which we’d like to share with you today.
Attention: Some of the techniques we are using are very experimental and won’t work in all browsers. Support for transform-style: preserve-3d is necessary for this demo.
So the idea is to show some kind of cinema room where we can choose seats from a seating plan. When choosing a seat, we’ll move to the respective position in the room and allow the user to see the real view from the chosen place. There is also a button in the center of the page that allows to unlock the rotation of the viewer, something that is quite important for a realistic view considering that we can rotate and tilt our heads.