This tutorial will help you in getting started with Ionic and Cordova Framework.
Step 1: Install Node.js
Most of the tools in the ionic is based on Node and is managed through npm. The best way to get npm installed is through the Node.js.
You can get the latest Node.js installer here:
Be sure to install the LTS version of Node.
Check if installation was successful by running npm -version
Step 2: Install Cordova
Cordova command-line runs on Node.js and is available on npm.
run: npm install -g cordova
This will install cordova globally on your machine.
Step 3: Install Java
Install Java Development Kit (JDK) 8.
When installing on Windows you also need to set JAVA_HOME Environment Variable according to your JDK installation path
After this, run: javac
If you get this, we are good to go ahead.
Step 4: Android SDK
Cordova for Android requires the Android SDK. To avoid issues in installation, lets first install Android Studio which will streamline the process.
Step 5: Install Ionic
Ionic comes with a convenient command line utility to start, build, and package Ionic apps.
To install it, simply run: npm install -g ionic
Step 6: Start an app
Create an Ionic App using one of our ready-made app templates, or a blank one to start fresh.
run: ionic start demoApp tabs
This will take time. Node modules are heavy, very heavy!
Step 7: Run your app
cd demoApp
ionic serve
Your app can be built right in the browser with ionic serve
It will launch the app in browser. If it doesn’t you can go to localhost:8100 as shown in the cmd