Typography on the web has grown substantially over the last few years. There are a couple of different reasons for this rise in popularity, however none more recognized than the ability to embed your own web fonts on a website.
In the past designers were limited to a small number of typefaces they could use on a website. These typefaces were based off what were the most commonly installed fonts on a computer, thus most likely to render properly on screen. Now with the ability to embed fonts designers have a much larger palette of typefaces to choose from.
While the ability to embed fonts opens up a door to all new typefaces it also requires designers to know the basic principles of typography. Translating these basic principles of typography into HTML and CSS helped build the core of online typography and text styling.
Typeface vs. Font
The terms typeface and font are often interchanged, causing confusion. Below is a breakdown of exactly what each term stands for, hopefully adding context to how the two terms should be used.
A typeface is what you see. It is the artistic impression of how text looks, feels, and reads.
A font is a file that includes a typeface. Using a font on a computer allows that computer to access the typeface.
One way to help distinguish the difference between a typeface and font is to compare them to a song and MP3. A typeface is very similar to a song in that it is a work of art. It is created by an artist, or artists, and is open to interpretation. A font on the other hand is very similar to an MP3 in that it is not the artistic impression, only a method of delivering the artistic value.
Formatting Content
Within the previous lesson, Elements & Semantics, we talked about how to semantically add content to a page. This lesson is worth reviewing as it will play a part in our discussion on typography. As a brief review let’s recap headings, paragraphs, and how to bold or italicize text.
Heading elements come in six different levels,
through h6
, each of which act as a supplementary heading to the one above it. The h1
heading should be reserved for larger, more important headings while the other headings should support the h1
above it. Using the HTML5 document structure elements we have the ability to reuse these headings, however we must use proper judgement in doing so.
<h1>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...</h1>
<h2>Pellentesque habitant morb...</h2>
The paragraph element, simply put, is the preferred way to add paragraphs of content to a page. Each individual paragraph should be wrapped with an opening and a closing
<p>Id quil una virtute ponunt...</p>
Bolding Text
To bold text the
element is used. The strong
element not only makes text bold but it also semantically notes it as important text on a page.
<p>Duis in <strong>voluptate</strong> velit cillum.</p>
Italicizing Text
Italicizing text is accomplished using the
element. The em
element is also known to semantically mean that the text should include a stressed emphasis.
<p>Quae vivendi <em>putanda</em> est, expeteretur nih.</p>
Text Color
Typically one of the first things a designer or developer will do when building a website is choose the text color and typeface. While there are a number of other properties that could be changed, these two have the largest impact on the look of a page in the smallest amount of time. Getting rid of the browser defaults and using your own text color and typeface immediately begins setting the tone of the page.
The only item needed to set the color of text is the
property. The color
property accepts one value, however in many different formats. You can use keywords, hexadecimal values, RGB, RGBa, HSL, and HSLa. Most commonly seen arehexadecimal values as they provide the most control with the least amount of effort. RGBa values are on the rise with CSS3 to provide transparent colors, however they are not fully supported within all browsers and should be used with a hexadecimal fallback accordingly.
body {
color: #555;
Shorthand Hexadecimal Color Values
Hexadecimal color values, like many other property values, allow us to use shorthand values. Hexadecimal colors are declared using the pound sign (#) followed by six characters. These characters identify the specific color to be used and often come in patterns of pairs, the first two characters, the middle two characters, and the last two characters. These patterns can then be compressed down from six numbers into three for the color value. For example, the color value
can be shortened to #555
, #ff6600
can be shortened to #f60
, #ffff00
can be shortened to #ff0
, and so on.Font Properties
CSS provides a lot of different properties to edit the look and feel of text on a page. The properties to do so are broken down into two categories,
based properties and text
based properties. Most properties corresponding to these categories will be prefaced with either font-*
or text-*
. To begin we’ll discuss the font
based properties.Font Family
property is used to declare which font, and fallback fonts, should be used to display text. The value of the font-family
property contains multiple font names, all comma separated. The first font declared, all the way to the left, is the primary font choice. Should the first font not be available alternative fallback fonts are declared from left to right. Font names including two or more words need to be wrapped in quotation marks. Additionally, the last font should be a keyword value, which will pick the system default font in the specified type.
p {
font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
Font Size
Using the
property provides the ability to set the size of text using common length values, including pixels, em, percents, points, and font-size
keywords. More and more often the pixel value is used as it provides the most control over a font’s size. Previously, em and percentage values used to be fairly popular because they allow the text to scale relatively when a user would zoom in on a page within the browser. Now most browsers are able to scale pixels as well, eliminating a large need for em and percentage values.
p {
font-size: 13px;
Font Style
To change text to italicized and vice versa the
property is utilized. The font-style
property accepts four keyword values, including normal
, italic
, oblique
, and inherit
. Of these four, most commonly used are normal
and italic
. italic
being used to set text to italic and normal
being used to return text to its normal style.
p {
font-style: italic;
Font Variant
It isn’t often but occasionally text will need to be set in small capitals, or small caps. For this specific case the
property has been created. The font-variant
property accepts three values, including normal
, small-caps
, and inherit
. The most typically seen values are normal
and small-caps
to switch between normal
, and vice versa. If the typeface being used does not support small caps the variant of the font will not change. Always double check support for a typeface before using this property.
p {
font-variant: small-caps;
Font Weight
Occasionally the need to set text as bold or set the specific weight of bold text appears, for this case we can use the
property. Generally speaking, the font-weight
property is used with the keyword values normal
, bolder
, lighter
, and inherit
. Of these keyword values, it is recommended to primarily use normal
to change text from normal to bold, and vice versa.
On top of keywords the numeral values
, 200
, 300
, 400
, 500
, 600
, 700
, 800
, and 900
exist. The order of these weights start with the thinnest weight, 100
, and scale up to the thickest weight, 900
. These values pertain specifically to typefaces that have multiple weights, more than normal (keyword for 400
) and bold (keyword for 700
). Before using numeral values check to see exactly what weights the typeface you are using comes in. Attempting to use thin weight of100
might sound like a good idea, however that weight might not exist within your typeface, thus it will not work.
p {
font-weight: bold;
Line Height
Line height, the distance between two lines of text known as leading, is declared using the
property. Theline-height
takes all general length and numeral values, as mentioned above within font-size
. The best practice for legibility is to set the line-height
to around one and half times that of your font-size
. This could be quickly accomplished by setting the line-height
to 150%. However, if you are working with a baseline grid having a little more control over your line-height
using pixels may be preferred.
Line height may also be used to vertical center single lines of text within an element. Setting an element’s
to the same value as the element’s height
will vertically center the text. This technique is commonly seen within buttons, alert messages, and other single line text blocks.
p {
line-height: 20px;
Shorthand Font Properties
All of the font based properties listed above may be combined and rolled into one
property and shorthand value. The order of these properties should fall as follows from left to right: font-style
, font-variant
, font-weight
, line-height
, and font-family
. As a shorthand value these property values can be stacked from left to right without the use of a comma, except for font names. A forward slash, /
, separator is needed between the font-size
and line-height
property values.
It is also worth noting that every property value is optional except the
and font-family
property values. That said, you can often find the font
property and shorthand value to include only the font-size
and font-family
p {
font: italic small-caps bold 13px/20px 'Helvetica Neue',
Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
Font Properties Example
<h2><a href="#" title="Sample Blog Post Title">Sample Blog Post Title</a></h2>
<p class="byline">Posted by Shay Howe on February 5th, 2012</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla fringilla vehicula nisi vitae rutrum. Donec laoreet, arcu in elementum, dui mi auctor tortor, et lorem massa orci… <a href="#" title="Sample Blog Post Title">Continue reading →</a></p>
h2, p {
color: #555;
font: 13px/20px Arial, 'Helvetica Neue', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif;
a {
color: #8ec63f;
a:hover {
color: #f7941d;
h2 {
font-size: 22px;
font-weight: bold;
margin-bottom: 6px;
.byline {
color: #8c8c8c;
font-family: Georgia, Times, 'Times New Roman', serif;
font-style: italic;
Sample Blog Post Title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla fringilla vehicula nisi vitae rutrum. Donec laoreet, arcu in elementum, dui mi auctor tortor, et lorem massa orci… Continue reading →